AOL sets DMARC p=reject
Matt Taggart
2014-04-22 22:22:36 UTC
AOL has followed yahoo.com in setting their DMARC policy to reject.


AFAICT it is set for aol.com and aim.com, but not for many of the other
generic vanity domains they host (engineer.com, doctor.com,
consultant.com, etc).

We (lists.riseup.net) like Steve's patch, but we will want to use it
globally and not per list and we'd also like to know if the sympa team
is going to adopt this approach or if they have something else in mind.
Matt Taggart
Adam Bernstein
2014-04-25 19:58:32 UTC
Post by Matt Taggart
AOL has followed yahoo.com in setting their DMARC policy to reject.
And that did it, we couldn't keep blocking yahoo.com and now add aol.com
users too, so we've applied Steve's patch on production and it's working
great. Thanks Steve!

But there is one problem: If someone has their list's reply_to_header
setting set to "sender" and "forced", Sympa will add its own Reply-To:
based on the munged From: line (ie. with the list address), overwriting
the fixed-up Reply-To: that was added by the patch. So replies now
suddenly are going back to the list, but only on lists where the admin
actively tried to be sure they would go only to the sender. And they
don't seem to appreciate the irony!

I can see ways to handle that problem with the forced reply setting, but
I want to be careful about handling the different edge cases: forced
reply_to in sympa, anonymous_sender mode in sympa, explicit Reply-To in
the original sender's email settings, etc.

Before I dive in, any thoughts Steve?

Electric Embers Cooperative
Handcrafted hosting, powering the fires of change
(800) 843-6197
Steve Shipway
2014-04-25 22:47:34 UTC
If the list is set to 'Reply to sender, *respect original Reply-To*' then it should work. If you just have 'forced' then you'll be getting replies going to the list.

My patch sets 'reply-to' to be the original sender. So, provided your list respects this when setting the reply-to, you should be OK.

An updated version of the patch is going to allow three address options -- list address(default), explicit, and original sender with .invalid suffix. This would also be an option (though replies would end up getting lost...)


Steve Shipway
University of Auckland ITS
UNIX Systems Design Lead
Ph: +64 9 373 7599 ext 86487

From: sympa-users-request-***@public.gmane.org [sympa-users-request-***@public.gmane.org] on behalf of Adam Bernstein [adam-***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Saturday, 26 April 2014 7:58 a.m.
To: sympa-users-***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [sympa-users] AOL sets DMARC p=reject
Post by Matt Taggart
AOL has followed yahoo.com in setting their DMARC policy to reject.
And that did it, we couldn't keep blocking yahoo.com and now add aol.com
users too, so we've applied Steve's patch on production and it's working
great. Thanks Steve!

But there is one problem: If someone has their list's reply_to_header
setting set to "sender" and "forced", Sympa will add its own Reply-To:
based on the munged From: line (ie. with the list address), overwriting
the fixed-up Reply-To: that was added by the patch. So replies now
suddenly are going back to the list, but only on lists where the admin
actively tried to be sure they would go only to the sender. And they
don't seem to appreciate the irony!

I can see ways to handle that problem with the forced reply setting, but
I want to be careful about handling the different edge cases: forced
reply_to in sympa, anonymous_sender mode in sympa, explicit Reply-To in
the original sender's email settings, etc.

Before I dive in, any thoughts Steve?


Electric Embers Cooperative
Handcrafted hosting, powering the fires of change
(800) 843-6197
